County Administration Building and Finance Office Repair Project

Long-Term Recovery: Jackson County Administration Building and Finance Office
Repairs are being made to the Jackson County Administration Building and Finance Office located at 2864 Madison Street Marianna, FL 32448. This project is part of the Jackson County’s Long-Term Recovery efforts because of the damage caused by Hurricane Michael. These buildings sustained major damage during the storm. Repairs include a full roof replacement on the Administration Building, structural and ceiling repairs, new flooring, framing & drywall, and a new façade and awning to the Finance Office. This project is to be paid for using a combination of County and FEMA funds.
During construction, the front entrance to the Administration Building will be closed to help expedite the repairs that need to be made. If at any point there is a need for the public to enter our office, please call us first so that we can assess the best way to address their need. Our goal is to keep traffic to a minimum, but we will accommodate those that need to be seen in person. We are striving to limit inconveniences as best we can, and we appreciate your extended patience during this time. If there are any further needs or concerns, please let us know.
Project Start Date: October 12, 2020
Estimated Completion Date: March 25, 2020 (5 months)
For additional information please contact the Jackson County Administrative Office at 850-482-9633 ext. 221.