New Residential Developments
How do I get started building a home or developing residential property?
It is recommended that you visit the Community Development Department prior to purchasing or developing a parcel of land for residential or other type of development. The planning staff can review the parcel to determine the existing land use category and residential density available. The actual permit process begins with the submission of a Residential Development Order application to the planning division.
The completed application will then be reviewed by a planner. The department has ten business days to review and take action on the application. If there are concerns with the application you will be contacted via the information you listed on the application. Once the development order has been approved, it is forwarded to Environmental Health (septic), Building Services (construction permits), Road & Bridge (driveway/culverts), E-911 (addressing), and Property Appraiser. The applicant must also follow up with the above departments to complete construction and permitting, as applicable to their particular development. Building Services and Environmental Health are located within the Jackson County Health Department at 4979 Healthy Way, Marianna, FL 32446.
Commercial & Non-Residential Developments
How do I get started with a Commercial or Non-Residential Development?
It is recommended that you contact the Planning Division prior to purchasing a parcel of land for commercial and non-residential development. A pre-application meeting may be required prior to submitting a development order. However, the communications during any pre-application meeting shall be considered preliminary, informal, and not binding on either party.
After the pre-application meeting has taken place, the developer shall submit a General Development Order Application along with plans for staff review in accordance with the submission requirements. Upon receipt of these plans, all development order application fees which are required will be paid at this time. The amounts of those fees shall be according to the fee schedule adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Staff will determine whether the application is complete within ten calendar days and will notify the applicant if the application and supporting documents is incomplete. If the application is determined to be insufficient, the applicant will have 30 calendar days to provide a complete application. If the applicant does not respond within 30 calendar days of notification of insufficiency, then the application will be considered withdrawn.
Once a completed application has been received by the Planning Division, staff has 30 days to review the plans. If the development order requires Board approval, the application will be presented to the Planning Commission. At a regular public hearing, the Planning Commission will review the Planning staff report and make a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners. A public hearing of the Board of County Commissioners will follow and a final decision made. Upon approval by Planning staff or Board of County Commissioners, a Development Order or Development Agreement will be signed by the developer and County and permits may then be obtained to begin construction.
Jackson County Comprehensive Plan
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
The State of Florida adopted the “Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act” in 1985 which became sections 163.3161-163.450 of the Florida Statutes and requires counties to “prepare a comprehensive plan of the type and in the manner set out in this act”. The plan is designed to require local governments to plan for their future development and growth and adopt administrative instruments with which to implement that plan.
The Plan is the senior policy document providing guidelines for growth management within that jurisdiction and all other regulations may not supersede the policy set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. Land development regulations are to be implementing instruments for the policies set out in the Comprehensive Plan. In the absence of land development regulations, the Comprehensive Plan policy prevails.
Future Land Use
What is my property zoned as?
Jackson County does not utilize traditional zoning and does not have zoning districts. The County relies on the policies stated in the Future Land Use Element (FLUE) of the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the land use categories defined therein.
The FLUE includes a Future Land Use Map which depicts the location and distribution of the land use categories. These land use categories and associated policies are the controlling factors in what development is appropriate for a specific parcel of land.

Planning Commission Meetings
What is the Planning Commission?
The Planning Commission is responsible for making recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the adoption or amendment of the County Comprehensive Plan, as well as assist the Planning Division in monitoring and overseeing the effectiveness and status of the Comprehensive Plan.
The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing proposed land development projects, land development regulations, land development codes, or amendments thereto, and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners as to the consistency of the proposal with the adopted comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof.
How many members are on the Planning Commission?
The County Planning Commission, as the local planning agency, shall consist of seven members, each of whom shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board of County Commissioners. Members shall serve a term of three years.
When/Where does the Planning Commission meet?
Planning Commission meetings are held when there are agenda items. Meetings are scheduled on the first and third Mondays of every month at 5:30 pm, Central Standard Time, and 6:00 pm during Central Daylight Savings Time. Agenda items may be placed on the next available regular county commission meeting as per advertising requirements.
Once the Planning Commission makes a recommendation at their regular meeting, that recommendation will then be scheduled at a Board of County Commissioners meeting, on either the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 am Central Time or the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm Central Time. The Board reserves the right to change the meeting dates which are posted on the county website.
All meetings are held in the County Commission Board room of the Jackson County Administration building located at 2864 Madison Street Marianna, Florida 32448.
Flood Information
Protect your property from flood damage.
Unincorporated Jackson County is a participator of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) helps provide a means for property owners to financially protect themselves in additional coverage is required. The NFIP offers flood insurance to homeowners, renters, and business owners if their community participates in the NFIP. If you are looking at buying a property, it is a good idea to check out the possible flood hazards before you buy. Most Homeowners insurances do not cover flood damage. Talk to your insurance provider about your policy and consider if you need additional coverage.
If you would like to know if your home is in a special flood hazard area, please contact the Jackson County Community Development Office at (850)482-9637 or visit our office at 4979-B Healthy Way, Marianna, FL.
Please click on the websites below to obtain more information on flood insurance, flood mitigation, and other flood-related topics. You can also check the Jackson County Library and the FEMA website for available resources on flood damage prevention for your home and other FEMA publications.
Flood Preparation and Safety Brochure
FEMA Flood Zones
How do I know what Flood Zone I’m in?
Call the Planning Division at (850)482-9637 in order to schedule a meeting or visit the FEMA website at http://msc.fema.gov.
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
7:30 am to 4:30 pm Central Time (Jackson County observes daylight savings time.)