Download a comprehensive list by visiting the link below, complete with items accepted/not accepted.
Resources for Repurposing Items.
Keep Jackson County Beautiful & Volunteer Programs
At the Jackson County Board of County Commissioners, we take pride in improving and serving our community and as part of this endeavor, the Keep Jackson County Beautiful movement (#KeepJCOBeautiful) was founded in 2021 with the purpose of inspiring and encouraging citizens to take personal responsibility for enhancing their community environment. To accomplish this goal the County participates in a wide range of beautifying projects, campaigns, and events to help make our County a better place to live, work and play. By promoting litter prevention, recycling, and seeking out alternative solutions Jackson County is doing its part to help #KeepJCOBeautiful.
Another great way to help us Keep Jackson County Beautiful is by posting an empowering image, video, or quote on social media and sharing it with the hashtag #KeepJCOBeautiful!
Check out the latest #KeepJCOBeautiful PSA

Litter Prevention: The best way to fix a litter problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Do your part and properly dispose of your trash items in an appropriate receptacle. Be part of the solution, not the pollution!
The County has taken strides towards mitigating the litter on the County right-of-ways by entering into a long term litter contract with Collin’s Land Services, Inc.
Recycling: Recycling means separating, collecting, processing, marketing, and ultimately re-using a material that would have otherwise been thrown away. The County offers several types of recycling programs on a daily basis as well as two Amnesty Day events each year. Visit our recycling page to find out more about how to recycle in Jackson County, FL.
Alternative Solutions: The County partner’s with a variety of non-profit and for-profit organizations that share the Keep Jackson County Beautiful goal by participating in community cleanup projects and promoting the beautification of public spaces.

For citizens living in UNINCORPORATED Jackson County:
Unincorporated: (Any area outside of a Municipality.)
Jackson County is offering an opportunity to dispose of Bulk Trash items that aren’t normally available for curbside collection.

Items that ARE accepted:
• Non-metal furniture (sofas, bookcases, etc.)
• Rugs and carpet (please roll and tie)
• Mattresses and box springs
• Large non-metal toys
• Mirrors or glass tabletops (have been covered with newspaper and taped to prevent breakage.)
• Bathroom fixtures (non-metal tubs, sinks, toilets)
• Plastic trash cans
• 5 or more bags or cans of trash
Items that ARE NOT accepted:
• Hazardous Materials (paint cans, chemicals, oil, or fuel)
• Tires
• White goods/Appliances
• Construction Debris
(There will be NO staff on site. It is up to you to load the dumpsters. So, make sure you have help for heavy items.)
To learn more about how you can get involved with #KeepJCOBeautiful or to volunteer for future community projects, send an email to info@jacksoncountyfl.gov with the subject line “Keep Jackson County Beautiful” or call our office at 850-482-9633.