(850) 482-9633

2864 Madison St,
Marianna, FL 32448

DEO Internet Speed Test

Let’s talk about internet access. Woo. Even saying that gives me a little heartburn because as we all know, internet access in Jackson County is, well, not the best, but we are working very hard to change that.

Bringing broadband access to a rural county is difficult, and that’s because every solution takes lots of, you guessed it. $$$. Fortunately for us, the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity is working with various agencies across the state to better serve Floridians through broadband infrastructure funding opportunities.

Now the key phrase there is funding OPPORTUNITY. So this is where we need your help. In order to receive this potential funding, d e o has to first identify Jackson County as an underserved area. And the way they do that is by asking citizens to take an internet speed test to provide real time data that shows our need for improved broadband services.

This is where you come in. We are asking you to take this anonymous one minute speed test to help us in pursuit of funding. Now, some of you may have taken this test before, but Florida d e o is requesting more data from Jackson County, so we need more participation from you. To learn more about this initiative and to take the speed test, just visit www.Floridajobs.org/Broadband.

The speed test should be taken from a home computer, not a smartphone. If you do not have internet access at your home, there is a place to report that on the site as well. So please help us help you by visiting www.Floridajobs.org/Broadband.

FOR Jackson, FOR Future, FOR You.