Jackson County REDI Plan

Rural Economic Development Innovation Plan
About the REDI Plan
Jackson County was selected by the USDA’s Rural Economic Development Innovation (REDI) initiative to help strengthen the capacity of our community by assisting with the development of strategic community and economic development plans. The purpose of this REDI plan is to overcome the multi-jurisdictional challenges associated with increasing broadband connectivity and increasing digital equity in our community with the ultimate goal of increasing access to affordable and reliable high-speed internet access for our community. The Jackson County REDI Plan outlines the need for deliberate and organized attention to identify and address gaps in adoption, utilization, and quality of service of broadband and digital services.
Our plan focuses primarily on two key areas:
- Short and Long-Term Solutions for Increasing Broadband Connectivity
- Increasing Digital Equity Throughout the County
This plan also serves to outline ways to better leverage federal, state, local, and/or private funding to support these endeavors. By performing an evidence-based community assessment of our community assets, challenges, and opportunities the County has, in partnership with the REDI team, developed the following plan outlining various objectives, planning strategies and performance metrics that will help foster short and long-term solutions to accomplish this plan.
Read and comment on the 2020 REDI Plan
To download the 2020 REDI Plan follow the link below. You may submit a comment on the REDI Plan, through December 4, 2020. The plan will be presented to the Board of Commissioners on November 10th, 2020 for review. To submit a comment there are two options: 1. E-mail your response to info@jacksoncountyfl.gov with the subject line “Jackson County REDI Plan” or 2. call 850-482-9633 and ask for the Administrative Services Office.